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It tells the story of a young woman who embarks on a journey throughout europe by following instructions left to her in letters from her aunt. Site mediatheque petites enveloppes bleues maureen johnson. Maureen johnson petites enveloppes bleues lectures. Treize petites enveloppes bleues broche maureen johnson. Treize petites enveloppes bleues maureen johnson gallimardjeunesse, 2007. Malika ferdjoukh, broadway limited, ecole des loisirs. Maureen johnson manages to pull off an entertaining story in 300 pages that may not fulfil older readers expectations. Gallimard jeunesse, jun 24, 2010 artists 324 pages. Sa tante peg, artiste excentrique et imprevisible, est son amie et sa confidente. Tu es dans mes chaussures, mais tes pieds tappartiennent.
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